The following is a statement from West Virginia AFL-CIO President Josh Sword regarding the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, the result of months of negotiations led by Senator Joe Manchin and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.
“This compromise legislation offers serious and significant help for our country’s working families, who aretruly struggling right now. Here in West Virginia, where downturns in the economy hit hardest, particularly in our distressed coalfield communities, this legislation could very well be a game changer. I see many benefits for West Virginians on the horizon as a result of this bill, including the creation of good union jobs, reductions in health care and prescription drug costs, preservation of the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund, and tax reform that will finally force billionaire corporations to start paying some of their fair share and will boost our country’s economy.
“The West Virginia AFL-CIO thanks Senator Manchin for sticking to his guns and not falling prey to politicalgamesmanship. Despite tremendous pressure from extremists on both sides of the political spectrum, Senator Manchin continued to negotiate in good faith, while making fiscal responsibility his top priority. We hope Congress acts quickly to adopt this measure, and are hopeful that other provisions that were on the table, including leveling the playing field for organizing and making childcare and housing more affordable, will soon follow.”