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The West Virginia AFL-CIO notes with great sadness the passing of former Harrison County Delegate and steadfast friend of working families Ron Fragale.

“Delegate Fragale was the perfect example of a statesman who acted solely in the best interest of his constituents, especially the workers who most needed a voice in the West Virginia Legislature,” WV AFL-CIO President Josh Sword said.

Senator Mike Caputo, who represented the UMWA for many years and considered Delegate Fragale a mentor during his early time in the House of Delegates representing neighboring Marion County, said he lost an admired colleague and friend.

“Ron never sought the limelight, but he was consistent and unflinching in his dedication to the people of his district and working men and women throughout West Virginia,” Caputo said.

Caputo recalled fondly when he and Fragale were both in House leadership -- Delegate Fragale as Speaker Pro Tempore and Caputo as Majority Whip.

“His experience as an educator and coach provided him with great insight into the needs of everyday West Virginians, and that always remained his focus,” he said. “But above all, he was a loving husband and father, and my heart goes out to all his loved ones.”

Sword noted that in Delegate’s Fragale’s public service over the course of more than 20 years, his voting record on behalf of working people was outstanding, and because of that he was repeatedly endorsed by the WV AFL-CIO and countless unions during his campaigns.

“We will be forever grateful to him,” Sword said.