Recent Press

Governor Justice must think West Virginians are stupid. While dismissing as “rah-rah” a historic strike here that led to educators across the country standing up for fair wages and benefits, the governor held a press conference one month before the election making promises about things he says he’ll do months from now. Give us a break – everyone knows Mitch Carmichael and Bray Cary can’t be trusted.

Cleary Jim Justice doesn’t understand the scope and scale of PEIA if he thinks that one-time money is going to lead to a long-term fix for the fund. But what’s truly alarming is his mention of possible privatization. That would just be giving his fat cat CEO pals a pay raise at the expense of plan participants because we all know that when privatization happens, plan participants lose tens of millions of dollars in benefits in exchange for multi-million-dollar CEO salaries and golden parachutes. 

Today was nothing short of a blatant diversion attempt to take attention away from all the chaos going on at the State Capitol. Jim Justice foolishly thinks he can mention just the possibility of pay raise in the future and everyone will forget the real reason educators and other public employees got any pay raise and a PEIA task force to start with: the brave souls who stood up and said, “Enough is enough.”  West Virginia voters will not fall for it.